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Hospital Invaders


We are talking about cleaning a hospital. Why it is important, and some history behind clean hospital.

The importance and history are actually both connected. Hospitals are war zone where the combat is with all sorts of bio-weapons and troops. These bio-warriors are constantly getting re-enforced, and their bio-weapons are being upgraded to meet the weapons of the defenders (hospitals). It is a tough zone that requires constant vigilance, and being proactive each moment of each day. The germs that can cause infections or other illnesses are introduced into the facility by patients which are constantly coming into the hospital.

There are various tactics that can be used to combat these invaders. What we will discuss here is the direct assault by the men and woman of the janitorial staff.

Janitorial staff at these facilities are the front line fighters to curb the size of the bio-invaders. Janitorial service is a less glamorous side to hospitals that is just as integral to their smooth and effective operation: commercial cleaning services. A janitorial staff is incredibly important to healthcare facilities of all sizes and specialties.

A very good paper to read “Hospital-Acquired Infections” by Alberto F. Monegro; Vijayadershan Muppidi; Hariharan Regunath, 12 Feb 2023, In this paper they discuss Hospital-Acquired Infections, which is defined as nosocomially acquired infections that are not present or incubating at the time of admission to a hospital. The risk for hospital-acquired infections is dependent on the infection control practices at the facility, the patient's immune status, and the prevalence of the various pathogens within the community.

Infection control practices includes the cleaning of facility before a new patient enters the hospital. In the world of Healthcare Disinfections Zones there 4 well defined areas:

Disinfection Zone 1- Public Spaces which are considered 'low risk'

Disinfection Zone 2- Staff Spaces are considered 'medium risk'

Disinfection Zone 3- Patient Spaces are 'high risk'

Disinfection Zone 4- Procedure Spaces 'very high risk'

In combatting the bio-enemy the 'low risk and medium risk' zones should not be considered 'low', as this would create a situation where the staff could over look the staging of the bio-enemy. Low risk implies little or no risk. Because of this assumption the opportunity to not properly clean this area is very high. So that a patient could actually pick up special forces units of the bio-invaders that are carried into the high risk areas.

Cleaning ONE way would help to make these 'low' area habitats less inhabitable. The area from the entry door is where the battle begins. Do not overlook an area just because it is outside of the procedure room.

Janitorial staff should be trained and reminded on a weekly basis about the top of infection control and the role they play to save a life. The Janitorial staff is a member of the team.

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